World shipping takes the lead in global sustainable development

In late September the International Maritime Organisation (IMO) celebrated World Maritime Day in London by hosting a Symposium on a “Sustainable Maritime Transportation System”. The initiative of IMO Secretary-General, Koji Sekimizu, with the aim for "the shipping industry to take the lead in the United Nations’ campaign towards achieving sustainable development," the symposium centred around a detailed proposal submitted by IMO titled the “Sustainable Maritime Transportation System” (SMTS)...

DNV Helps Industry in Germany to Introduce LNG as Ship Fuel

DNV plays an active role in introducing LNG as ship fuel in Germany by supporting the dedication to reduce harmful emissions from ship operations.  “Making technology-based decisions is complex for each individual company, as is finding the right way into the future. We fully support the overall political will and dedication to reduce harmful emissions from ship operations,” said Jörg Langkabel, DNV Country Manager, on the occasion of the visit of the German Minister of Transport, P...

Chinese cargo ship sails to Europe through shorter Arctic trade route

A 19,000t cargo vessel operated by China's Cosco Group has started its journey to Europe via the Arctic Northeast Passage, a shortened route that could reduce the shipping time between Asia and Europe. The cargo ship, called Yong Sheng, sailed from Dalian in China for Rotterdam in the Netherlands, marking China's first commercial transit through the 2,936 nautical mile Northeast Passage off Russia's northern coast. According to reports, the route through the Bering Strait is expected to ...

Japanese pen massive export ships

Japan Ship Exporter’s Association (JSEA) revealed on August 8 that Japanese shipbuilders contracted a total of 35 newbuildings of 1.15m gt for export in July, which saw an increase by two times against the previous month in GT terms. Orders contracted in July surpasses newbuildings delivered during the same month. During January-July period, Japan won a total of 201 vessels of a combined 8.19m gt, already exceeded 2012's overall 177 vessels of a combined 8.12m gt. Those contracted for expo...