Korea hastens ship financing institution

On June 28, a seminar for planning establishment of ship financing institution was held in the Busan Chamber of Commerce & Industry (Busan CCI), jointly led by Busan CCI, Korea Maritime University (KMU) and Korea Association Marine Industry. The seminar was conducted in order to diagnose the current state of shipping and shipbuilding industries and discuss the necessity of a new ship financing institution which would contribute to continued growth of the two industries. Moreover, in-dept...

Damen Shiprepair deliver ULCC

Damen Shiprepair Brest (France) returned the Ultra Large Crude Carrier (ULCC) “TI Europe”, presently the largest vessel in the world, to its owners EURONAV (Belgium) after successfully completing a full technical survey and service. Jos Goris, Managing Director of Damen Shiprepair Brest, says: “We were very pleased with this order from a prestigious company like EURONAV. Damen Shiprepair Brest has not seen a ULCC customer for a technical survey in a very long time. We are delighted that EURO...

DNV Launch 3D Marine Operation Simulation Software

DNV Software launch Sesam Marine, a software solution that keeps pace with the increasing complexity of marine operations with 3D simulation and visualisation. Marine operations – such as transportation, installation and lifting of fixed and floating structures and subsea equipment – are becoming increasingly challenging as operators move to harsher climates and deeper waters; with this in mind DNV introduce the new software. “This is the first time that complex analyses of marine operati...

Africa emerges as a positive factor for the shipping industry, across all segments

The potential had always been there, but so far, the African continent had failed to materialize all those positive prospects surrounding its ability to rise as a new global economic power. The latest trends though, especially when it comes to sourcing and exporting its vast commodities' resources, have favored this transition, thus providing a positive boost for the global shipping industry. According to a report from shipbroker Intermodal, "Africa had been largely left behind in the wave of...