Dongbacshin : Congratulation the Woman’s Day

        Under the attention of the company’s leaders, DBS trade union has organized the anniversary of the Woman’s Day for 34 women in the company.        In the ceremony, the Company’s leaders mobilized the women to promote the tradition, fulfilling the tasks assigned by the company as well as being the wife, the mother in their own family. Also in the meeting, the women exchanged experiences, sharing joys, difficulties in their life, encouraging mutua...

Organization of 5S training

        Under the ongoing self- improving to satisfy high requirements for development in the new age,  following to the maintenance and promotion of management system ISO 9001-2008 certified by DNV, on 5/3/2013, Dongbacshin has organized the training for 5S recognition for entire company’s key staffs.        As expected , promptly after the training, the company is going to kick off building and improving the 5S working environment as soon as possib...

Launching a 500 tons barge.

                 At 10am, 01/03/2013, the last barge in series of 20 units has launched, the shipowner  is Transport and Processing of coal Dong Bac One member Limited Liability Company . In April, 2013, the Company is going to sign continuously  new shipbuilding contracts for 08 units of 500 tons barges. Delivery time is expected in June, 2013